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World Outreach Ministries, Inc. has a rich history of Stateside and overseas ministry. Our Missionary Service Agency has been specifically designed to assist independent, Spirit-filled missionaries who need a dependable home office. We help missionaries who affiliate with us by providing them with the logistic support that is so necessary to being successful in a long-term call to the mission field:
- Providing valuable information for building and maintaining a strong support base.
- Assisting with specialized oversight, counsel, and friendship.
- Donor-base management -- names and addresses, phone numbers, coding, pledge tracking, and reports.
- Maintaining the list with current, updated information on a daily basis.
- Receipting all donors in a timely, professional manner with a return coupon and envelope.
- Forwarding detailed computer reports to each missionary twice per month.
It is encouraging for independent missionaries to realize that they are not alone in their call to the world harvest. We are here to stand with you and provide an ongoing service that is absolutely essential if you are going to be successful. We are serving missionaries like this all over the world -- in Central and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the islands of the sea.
Our Missionary Service Agency developed as a result of my own travels over the years into many parts of the world. Wherever I went, I met quality missionaries who told me the same thing: "We need a DEPENDABLE home office that has our interests uppermost in mind. We want someone in the States that will do a consistently good job for us on the home front." Through these experiences, God spoke to my heart about establishing our Missionary Agency.
 We have done it for one main reason -- to promote world missions by helping those whom God has called to foreign missions.
Our philosophy is simple. We will treat you like we want to be treated. We will never use your mailing list for purposes other than your own work. Your records are kept separate from every other missionary's list. We will not attempt to exercise control over you. We are here to SERVE, not control. We will work with you and your home church to help you succeed. Your call to missions deserves the best -- and we can help you fulfill that call!
Jason R. Peebles
President & Bible Teacher
- We assist local churches by providing their missionaries with dependable Stateside office. This allows the missionary to benefit from specialized assistance that most churches are not prepared for.
- We computerize the missionary's mailing list and code it in a very unique way. Your mailing list will be coded into monthly supporters, periodic supporters, and those who are interested, but not yet financially active.
- We maintain the missionary's list on a daily basis. We keep up with on-going changes such as new supporters, name and address changes, new and revised pledges, etc. Daily list maintenance is extremely important. We also handle questions and phone calls that come in from your friends and supporters. We represent you by telephone and by mail in a professional and positive manner.
- Every month we send a Receipt-Letter to all the active supporters on the missionary's mailing list. Our receipting process takes place like clockwork every month. This one service alone is critical to the success of any missionary. These letters remind ALL your active people to pray for you and financially stand with you. Each letter has a return coupon with YOUR NAME printed on it and a return envelope. It also acknowledges the supporter's pledge amount if they have one.
- We make deposits to the missionary's personal checking account twice a month. We also send a package of computer reports to the missionary that keeps them informed on the deposited amounts, name and address changes, pledges, active donors, etc. We can provide address labels and specialized reports upon request. We also forward any personal correspondence that comes in.
- We assist the missionary with friendship and oversight. We can offer timely advice and counsel when called upon. Another benefit that our affiliates enjoy is being networked with the other missionaries that we are in contact with. It can mean friends all over the world.
- Our organization also provides two-way financial accountability. We maintain accurate records for the missionary. And, our program uses an independent accounting firm in Cleveland, Tennessee -- Lawhorne & Company International, LLC. We are also bonded so that mission funds are insured and secure for your (and our) protection.
1. What is a Missionary Service Agency?
Broadly speaking, there are two main types of missionary agencies: SENDING agencies and SERVICE agencies. Our program is a Service Agency. Here are the main differences... A Sending Agency is usually much more controlling. They may even have a contract that you sign, and for all practical purposes, you are their employee. You go where they send you and do what they assign you.
Our philosophy is very different. As a Service Agency, we feel that ministry decisions belong to the missionary, the Holy Spirit, and the home church that the missionary is being sent from. Our main purpose is to serve you logistically in many ways that churches are usually not prepared to handle -- mailing lists, receipting, computer generated reports, donor relations, etc. We see our role as serving you, while allowing you maximum freedom to pursue your own missionary call. You are not working for World Outreach. In fact, you may even network with other missionary groups or outreaches. Our job is to provide you with a dependable home office. A dedicated home office can mean the difference between success and failure.
2. What qualifications do you require before I can affiliate with you?
Your application will be analyzed on an individual basis. Generally, though, we require at least one of the following: (1) some kind of formal Bible training, OR, (2)some type of previous ministry experience that we feel has prepared you for you mission work. If you are just beginning in your mission work, we can help you network with more experienced, veteran missionaries for a period of internship.
3. Where will my support come from?
Your support base will come from friends, churches, and other contacts that God will lead you to. We will give you important guidance on how to trust God for the support that is necessary for your work. We have had the joy of helping many individuals and families raise (and maintain) their budgets for the mission field.
4. Why not just start my own office?
Most missionaries do not have a budget that can afford an office and all that goes with it. Computers, printers, supplies, IRS regulations, staff -- it all means a lot of money AND specialized knowledge. Our Missionary Agency is already set-up to help you -- and for much less than it would cost to start, staff, and maintain your own organization on an on-going basis.
Beyond the financial questions are the "dependability" and "frustration" factors. Even if you had a office, someone has to run it. Over the years, we have seen many missionaries return home because a part-time helper or well-meaning volunteer accepted more responsibility than they were prepared for. We have seen missionaries waste time and money wrestling with office problems while they were thousands of mile away. We can free you to concentrate on God's work.
5. Do I really need an Agency like yours?
If you are called to long-term missions (as opposed to short trips) THE ANSWER IS "YES!" The complexity of today's mission work demands that you have accurate record keeping, consistent communication with your supporters, and a regular flow of reports from a home office. Generally, well-meaning friends and churches are not prepared to meet these specialized needs. You do not need the frustration and expense of trying to run an office while you are working in a foreign country. Proverbs 22:29 says, "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before obscure men." We are here to help you be diligent in your ministry.
Missionary Communique Form
We believe that missionaries deserve the best! If you (or someone you know) needs this kind of Missionary Agency, we are here to help. We want to stand with you and help you fulfill the high calling of God on your life. Please click on our Missionary Communique and complete the short form. You may also contact our office from 9am to 5pm Eastern Time-- (770) 424-1545. Explore how you can benefit from a dedicated team effort!
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