In addition to serving as the Home Office for missionaries, WOM sponsors evangelistic outreaches each month. Right now, we are focused on reaching young people in the Philippines and Spain. Our RYAN’S TEAMS are going into schools with “Drug Awareness” campaigns that point to Jesus as the answer! We are literally seeing hundreds of young people come to Christ through this unique approach. In addition, Bible Studies are being formed to follow-up the ones who make a decision for Christ.
Why We Do It?

The Sponsor-a-Campaign program was birthed in the heart of our founder (Jason Peebles) after the death of his 19 year old son, Ryan, in 2004. As Jason worked through the emotional trauma, the Holy Spirit reminded Jason that Ryan had often said he wanted to be an evangelist when he grew up. The Sponsor-a-Campaign program was developed out of this tragedy and the memories of a son who talked about evangelism and missions. For Jason, this is one way that Ryan’s calling can be partially fulfilled. We do it for one main reason – to bring others to Christ on the mission field through evangelistic events.
How We Do It?

Many years ago, Jason ministered throughout the southern part of the Philippines. His translators at the time (Lilian Cilican and her son) are now the ones who lead “RYAN’S TEAMS” that are reaching into schools. What is happening is miracle! Hundreds are coming to Christ. In addition, Lilian has taken the same concept to Spain. Each team needs a projector for the videos that are used, a sound system, and ongoing funding to sponsor new school campaigns. Funds are used to transport the teams and for the various expenses involved.
Help Sponsor a Campaign!

The apostle Paul preached to the unreached in his day and planted churches. Today, our RYAN’S TEAMS are going into schools, sharing Christ in a unique way, and planting Bible studies. But we need your help to do it! Become a “Sponsor-a-Campaign” team member today! Simply
CLICK HERE and follow the prompts. If you can sign-up with an automatic monthly gift, that would be awesome – but any amount will help.
Or, you can mail checks to: World Outreach, PO Box B, Marietta GA 30061 and designate it for the “Sponsor-a-Campaign” program. Thank You!