THANK YOU for your heart to support the Great Commission! Scroll down for details about Online donations, mailing Checks, using Bill Pay, automatic monthly gifts, stock donations, crypto donations, and more.
You can make a Secure Online Donation right now. All gifts are Tax-deductible. To give by Card or with your Bank info
If you want to set up automatic "monthly" donations, please read the information below on automatic gifts.
Canadian / English Pound / Euros / Japanese Yen / South African R / Swiss franc Fr / Ruble / Pesos / Saudi Riyal / Rupee / Chinese Yuan and more.

Donate with Automatic Gifts

Do you want to set up Automatic "monthly" gifts for your Missionary or for our Home Office? If so, there are several easy ways to do it:

Credit & Debit Cards / Bank Info - You can easily set-up Automatic monthly gifts using your Card or Bank info. When you make an Online Donation through our website, you will be given the choice to make your donation a
"One-time gift" or a
"Monthly gift." If you select the “monthly” option, an Automatic monthly gift will occur on the day of the month you choose. Simply click
DONATE ONLINE! at the top of this page to begin the process. You can even setup your own donor Login account if you so choose.

Bill Pay - You can also have one-time checks or Automatic “monthly” checks sent via BILL PAY (which is a free service your Bank provides and can be found when you login to your personal Bank account online). Bill Pay is an awesome way to send funds and it's a free service (your Bank even pays for the postage each month). It's a great deal! Look for Bill Pay the next time you login to your Bank account. You do not need a signature card like in the old days. It's easy to set up and you can cancel or revise whenever you want to. When you use Bill Pay, here’s the info that you will need:

Donate through the Mail

Make all checks payable to "World Outreach" and put your Missionary's name in the memo (or "Home Office" if your gift is to help our home office).
Mail to:
World Outreach Ministries, PO Box B, Marietta, GA 30061
You can also send monthly checks through the mail by using Bill Pay as explained above. When you do, a check will be mailed to our office each month. Most Banks provide this service free of charge and even pay for the postage --
See the Bill Pay details above.

Donate via our Toll Free Number

If you prefer to have one of our Team members help you set things up by telephone, do not hesitate to call our office.

Our Toll-Free Number is available between 9am to 3pm Eastern Time.

Call Toll Free: 1-800-832-WORD (1-800-832-9673).

Donate With Stocks!

Many people prefer to donate via Stocks. Our system makes it easy!

There can be specific Tax benefits when you donate with Stocks.

All donors will receive a Tax-deductible receipt as allowed by law.

Visit our Stock Donation page:

Donate With Cryptocurrency!

More and more people desire to donate with Crypto. Our system makes it super easy!

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and over 35+ different Cryptos!

Designate your gift for your Missionary or our Home Office.

No limits! Even large gifts are automatically converted to $USD.

Prompt receipt for all donors (Tax-deductible for USA donors).

Visit our Crypto Donation Page:

Donate Cars, Trucks, Boats, RV's & Motorcycles!

Donate Cars, Trucks, Boats,

RV's & Motorcycles!

Free pickup! Cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, and RV's can be in any shape and do not even have to run!

The proceeds can go to a WOM missionary outreach that you choose or for the support of our Home Office.

You can get your vehicle removed, receive a Tax-deductible receipt for your donation, and help missions all at the same time!

All you need to do is complete our Online form which starts the process.

For more details and our easy process:

Donate via Your Will

As we all grow older, it's not uncommon to begin reflecting back over our lives. Many Christians wish that they had done more to advance the Great Commission. By including our
Missionary Agency in your Will, you can leave a Legacy for Christ that will have ongoing Global impact long after you have been promoted to heaven. In effect, by simply including us in your Will, your gift will help our
Missionary Agency serve mission workers for years to come. Contact our office and we will provide you with a brief Fact Sheet on how easy it is to participate in our Legacy Program. Call 1-800-832-WORD (1-800-832-9673).

Donate via Life Insurance & Annuities

Donate via Life Insurance

& Annuities

The proceeds from Life Insurance policies and Annuities are always governed by the
Beneficiary Form. Most people do not realize that they CANNOT govern these type policies through their Will. Thus, if you want to participate in our Legacy Program (see above) via your Life Insurance and/or Annuity, you should talk with your Insurance Company and request a
"Change of Beneficiary Form." This is a simple form that allows you to designate the beneficiaries of your policy. It's easy to include our
Missionary Agency in your Life Insurance policy and/or Annuity. Discuss this with your Agent / Financial Planner and request a
"Change of Beneficiary Form." directly from your Insurance Company. By doing this, you can truly leave a Legacy for Christ long after you have been promoted to heaven. You can call our office to discuss this: Call our office: 1-800-832-WORD (1-800-832-9673).

Statement About Tax Deductible Gifts

Statement About

Tax Deductible Gifts

World Outreach Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 1979. Our nonprofit Tax ID is 58-1387722. All donations to World Outreach Ministries, Inc. are Tax-deductible as allowed by law. In accordance with IRS guidelines, charitable contributions are made with the understanding that WOM and its Board of Directors have complete control and discretion over the use of all funds for our stated purpose of Christian missionary work. WOM has a standing policy to honor a donor's preference for any of our pre-approved missionary outreaches, as long as they remain in good standing with WOM. In the rare event that a mission worker is no longer in good standing and their account must be closed, any remaining funds will be applied to the ongoing work of our Missionary Agency.